Monday, October 20, 2008

Randomly Altered Divas

We are on a short break from our regular meetings and have seriously been thinking
of returning to a regular schedule. Stay tuned for more updates as we move through the

Monday, March 10, 2008

Book Art Exhibit a Great Success

The Hendersonville Times News billed this event like this:
There is a local book arts guild of sorts. This group numbers fewer than a dozen, primarily people who studied or shopped at Jane Powell's Random Arts store in Saluda. That store is a magnet for all people in the area who deal with mixed media art, and taking a clue from the stores name, the book artists themselves "randomly altered divas". They meet together to learn techniques, have a "show and tell" of their latest book and art projects and discuss serious issues of artistic goals and practices.
Penny Baugh is a good example of a book artist. She has always stitched and sewn. While living in Georgia eight years ago and concentrating on primitive dolls, she noticed that the same craft magazines that covered art dolls also covered artists books. By the time she moved to Hendersonville 4 years ago, she was thoroughly engrossed in the new field.

That was his promo to our book show that was held Feb 1-15th last month and nothing but rave reviews were heard during and after the show. We are all so pleased with the amount of visitors who came to enjoy and discover what book arts is all about. About 15 past and present members submitted over 50 books which were on display. Penny sold 5 of her books and was as happy as could be about that. Good for you Penny!